Pepsin is a proteolytic enzyme.
Enzymatic Properties:The optimum pH for pepsin to act is 1.7 to 2.2 and in this
acidic pH, it is a most potent proteolytic enzyme. The optimum temperature for
pepsin is 38 deg C TO 40 deg C .The action of pepsin results in the dehydraction
of protiens into protease and peptones. It hydrolyzes polypeptides.
Activity: Pepsin is available in various potencies right from 1:3000 to
1:15000.(Potency of an enzyme is defined in terms of gms of enzyme required to
digest corresponding gm of carbohydrate,protein or fat.)
Fungal Diastase (1:12000)
Fungal Diastase is fungal alpha amylase enzyme prodused from Aspergillus oryzae
by fermentation on wheat bran culture.
Enzymatic properties: This enzyme has digestive activity over a pH range of 3.0 to
8.0 with considerable stability. This is the optimum pH range for fungal Diastase to
act on starch and convert them into dextrin and maltose.
What are the side effects of Loregest ?
The most common side effects of this medicine include stomach pain, abdominal
bloating, and diarrhea. If these bother you or won’t go away, let your doctor
know. There may be ways of preventing or reducing these effects. You should let
your doctor know if you have gout, asthma,or any allergies.
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